Children in museums and theatres are expected to remain almost still, silent, unobtrusive, and not to disturb the adults around them. But children grow up by moving, climbing, questioning, jumping and swinging. Are the two aspects incompatible?
With:Cora Cohen Azria,University Professor - Education and Training Sciences, Science Didactics and Museology at the CIREL ULR 4354 Laboratory - Théodile Team.
As a member of the CIREL laboratory (Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en éducation de Lille [Lille Inter-University Centre for Educational Research]), Cora Chen-Azria studies the link between schools and museums; school and family visits to museums; and the teaching and learning of science. Her research examines the “training” of museum visitors and critically thinking citizens. As a specialist in these issues, she provides expert advice to museums and centres for scientific and technical culture to design exhibitions and outreach activities targeted at young audiences and families. She has published many articles and books on these subjects.Fanny Delmas,Head of Artistic and Cultural Education division, Transmission and careers Department at Centre national de la Danse.
Throughout her university career in performing arts and educational science, Fanny Delmas has explored the relationship between artworks and spectators, and the ways in which art is transmitted. She was head of mediation and training at the Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier, then dance advisor at Arcadi Ile-de-France and independent trainer before joining the CND in 2016. She co-wrote two articles with Sylvain Fabre : “Creating the conditions for a dance experience, cross-conversation on the artistic and cultural education system “Constellation”” "", published in the journal Recherches en danse in 2022, and “Analysis of an artistic and cultural education project: didactic games and institutionalization”, proceedings of the TACD congress, in 2019.
Gaëlle Moreno, Training and Professional Communication and Manager at École des loisirs.
Gaëlle Moreno works as Training and Professional Communication Manager at École des loisirs. Involved in the development of public reading and access to books for all, École des loisirs has put cultural demonstration at the centre of their actions. This is why, Gaëlle Moreno and her team offer tools for professionals, on the one hand to develop their own knowledge about books as well as children development, and on the other hand, to make demonstration geared towards young readers easier.
Marion Muzac, dancer and choreographer