Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi by announcing his intention to visit the BJP headquarters with AAP leaders, daring the PM to arrest them all. Kejriwal accuses Modi of orchestrating a "game of jail" and claimed that AAP leaders were being targeted for imprisonment, including himself, Manish Sisodia, Satyendar Jain, Sanjay Singh, Raghav Chadha, Atishi, and Saurabh Bharadwaj. He asserted that despite any arrests, AAP's ideology would endure, emphasising the party's achievements in Delhi. In response, BJP MP Manoj Tiwari emphasised that arrests are determined by investigation agencies and courts, not the BJP, and underscored Modi's commitment to justice. This exchange follows the arrest of Kejriwal's aide, Bibhav Kumar, accused of assaulting Swati Maliwal, former DCW chief, who alleged the attack occurred during a visit to Kejriwal's residence. Police are investigating the incident, with Kumar expressing willingness to cooperate and also lodging a complaint against an AAP Rajya Sabha MP.
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