In response to the tragic incident at Old Rajinder Nagar, students have organised a candle march to protest against the authorities. The march symbolises their demand for accountability and justice following the fatal flooding at a coaching center. Participants are calling for immediate safety reforms and questioning why previous warnings were ignored, hoping to prevent such tragedies in the future.
#RajinderNagar #RauIAS #CandleMarch #OldRajinderNagarCandle March #IASCoaching #CoachingCentre #Horror #RajinderNagarHorror #RauIASHorror #IASCoachingHorror #CoachingCentreHorror #RajinderNagarCoaching #RauIASCentre #IASHorror #RajinderNagarIAS #RauIASCoaching #CoachingHorror