Bollywood Actor Raghav Juyal, who won the hearts of the audience with his brilliant acting in films like 'Kill' and 'Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan', is now entering the world of web series. In an exclusive conversation with IANS, he talked about his character and revealed his experience playing the role. He said, “I didn’t feel any pressure during the shoot of the series. While shooting, my only goal is to hear ‘Superb’ from Director. My character is full of Self-Doubt, Insecurity and Angst. It was very difficult to understand the motive of my role. This role was very challenging for me as an Actor. The trailer of his new web series ‘Gyarah Gyarah’ has been released recently. In this, Kritika Kamra and Dhairya Karwa will also be seen with him. ‘Gyarah Gyarah’ is a thriller web series in which the importance of time is shown. The series will premiere on 9th August on Zee5.
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