Watch the gripping "Mind Your Business" scene from the acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series offers an in-depth exploration of the Reagan family, a lineage dedicated to law enforcement in New York City. In this tense scene, Bridget Moynahan stars as Assistant District Attorney Erin Reagan, delivering a powerful performance as she navigates a delicate situation where personal and professional boundaries blur. Experience the intensity as Erin asserts her authority, reminding everyone of the importance of staying in their lane. This scene captures the complexities and challenges that come with her role, where justice, family dynamics, and professional ethics often collide. Don’t miss this compelling moment that highlights the strength and resolve of Erin Reagan in the world of Blue Bloods.
Blue Bloods Cast:
Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk and Len Cariou
Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!