Princess Diaries 3 is Official! Anne Hathaway Returns & adele lim princess diaries 3

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#PrincessDiaries3 #AnneHathaway #AdeleLim
Princess Diaries 3 is Official! Anne Hathaway Returns & adele lim princess diaries 3

#PrincessDiaries3 #AnneHathaway #AdeleLim #Genovia #DisneyMovie #PrincessDiaries #MiaThermopolis #MovieNews #ComingSoon #RoyalReturn

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ screenwriter Adele Lim to direct ‘The Princess Diaries 3’
Generation Z will soon have the opportunity to visit Genovia again. Variety reports that Disney said on Friday that Adele Lim, the director of Joy Ride and a screenwriter for Crazy Rich Asians, has agreed to helm "The Princess Diaries 3." For the first time since 2004, Anne Hathaway will reprise her role as Mia Thermopolis, Queen of Genovia, in the movie.

"As an ardent follower of the first "Princess Diaries," I'm ecstatic to be involved in the creation of this cherished franchise's third installment," Lim declared in a statement provided to Variety. "With audiences around the world, we look forward to celebrating its core tenants of female power, joy, and mentorship."
Hathaway enthusiastically shared the Variety report on Instagram along with the message, "Miracles happen," which is a nod to the opening tune of the first film, confirming Lim's involvement.

Princess Diaries 3, Anne Hathaway, Adele Lim, Genovia, Disney movie, Mia Thermopolis, royal engagement, Princess Diaries sequel, new director, movie announcement, Anne Hathaway returns, Flora Gleeson, Debra Martin Chase, Genovia queen, Princess Diaries cast, upcoming Disney film, Hollywood news, movie updates, Princess Diaries 3,Anne Hathaway,Adele Lim,Genovia,Disney movie,Mia Thermopolis,royal engagement,Princess Diaries sequel,new director,movie announcement,Anne Hathaway returns,Flora Gleeson,Debra Martin Chase,Genovia queen,Princess Diaries cast,upcoming Disney film,Hollywood news,movie updates,princess diaries 3,princess diaries,anne hathaway princess diaries 3,anne hathaway,julie andrews,adele lim princess diaries 3

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