SUBSCRIBE! The order of these videos being uploaded is a little mixed up because I'm uploading them from my phone and can't see what the names are so I don't know what order I made this one in but it helped me somehow. Alos like I explain in the end of the video no versions of this song can be the same. Maybe in the future I'll settle on a set pattern of how to play these rifts. This must even be from a early version of this song or I just left out a bunch of rifts because my main purpose of this song might have been just to catch some rifts I only played here first. So I just played other parts of the song to spice the video up a bit. This like my other video can help other guitarist lookig for new rifts especially because they can see my hand. It also helps me in that way refigure this stuff out later that I can see my own hand. So in that regard me making this video to help myself helps other people to help themselves out on guitar.