Synopsis: Snow White and four girls from major cities in China, along with their friend, Eagle Wen, encounter Dennis, a handsome and sophisticated local travel guide in Southeast Asia. They plan to explore the rainforest, but unexpectedly fall into a dark conspiracy to steal artifacts and face a fierce tragedy. Special forces soldier Eagle Wen, the four talented urban girls, and a brave warrior from the Tiger Tribe fiercely struggle against the dark forces...
Director: Fu Huayang
Screenplay: Fu Huayang / Xu Sha Lang
Starring: Chen Zhi Wen, Zou Zhao Long, Yu Nan, Shi Yan Neng, An Zhi Jie, Ban Shuang Shuang
Genres: Action, Horror, Adventure
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese / English
Duration: 100 minutes