Synopsis: To dismantle a foul-smelling web of interests, Bunava orders assassin Rama to infiltrate the mafia boss Ban Kun's organization. At this time, Ban Kun's son, Yuko, is serving a prison sentence. Rama, using the alias Yuda, "confesses" his crimes and enters prison, gaining Yuko's trust through a series of intense battles. Two years later, Rama is released from prison and joins Ban Kun's organization. Meanwhile, Ban Kun allies with the Japanese Yakuza organization Goto, and on the other side of the city, an ambitious new faction led by Bejo is rising. In a bid for dominance, the criminals set fire to the city, while the arrogant Yuko tries to build an empire that surpasses his father's...
Director: Gareth Evans
Screenwriter: Gareth Evans
Starring: Iko Uwais
Genres: Drama / Action / Crime