Well that was a surprise. I remember setting a time on this stage about a year ago in the 379hp 2021 i20. I also remember it took a whole evening of attempts to survive the stage without crashing, and that I needed to customise the pacenotes at the time. This time I've had a year of practice in RBR, and Luppis pacenotes which both helped. That made about 23 seconds difference even in this 315hp car. There are a couple of "tightens to one" calls in the Luppis (V2) pacenotes that saved my bacon, and by some miracle I beat that old time first try with no major incidents. I reckon by far the biggest contribution is concentration. These days I don't let my mind wander so much during long stages, and I try to focus on Darren's calls constantly.
#rallysimfans #RSF #RBR