In this session, you'll learn how to signup with email using flutter firebase in hindi.
Firstly we'll create signup page using TextForm widget and ElevatedButton in Flutter.
Then enable the feature of email password in firebase.
Then add the dependency of firebase_auth and I've described the method too in this session like how to add or install the dependency.
2 pages will have to create with the name home.dart and sighnup.dart. Page will be redirected to home.dart page after successfully signup.
In signin.dart page create the instance using FirebaseAuth class then in the button I've added some code to signup.
Lecture 1 | How to connect flutter with firebase :
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00:00 | About Firebse core dependency
00:20 | Intro
00:35 | Create dart files in flutter
00:52 | Design Home Page
01:30 | Signup Page
04:16 | about firebase auth dependency
05:05 | instance of firebase auth
05:24 | Dart exception handling using try catch
05:37 | Snackbar to show message
06:02 | Create user with email and password function
06:25 | Navigator.push replacement
07:10 | Enable email/password provider in firebase
07:32 | Resolve minSdkVersion error
08:45 | Outro
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