Raasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan were recently spotted at Mumbai Airport, making a stylish impression as they arrived together. Raasha opted for a comfortable and trendy outfit, wearing an oversized sweater that added a cool and casual touch to her look. She paired the sweater with black wide-leg jeans, which complemented her top perfectly. To add a funky touch to her outfit, Raasha wore cool and stylish sunglasses. Aaman Devgan, on the other hand, kept his outfit simple yet stylish, opting for an all-black ensemble. He wore a black T-shirt and paired it with black pants, creating a sleek and sophisticated look. To add a touch of glamour to his outfit, Aaman wore cool black sunglasses, which complemented his overall appearance perfectly. The couple's airport look was a great example of how to dress stylishly and comfortably while traveling.
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