Java Programing Course in Rawalpindi & Islamabad

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Java Programing Course in Rawalpindi & Islamabad

A Java programming course typically covers the core concepts and skills necessary for developing applications using the Java programming language.

1. Introduction to Java
History of Java: Origins, development, and features of Java.
Java Development Kit (JDK): Installation, setup, and basic usage.
Writing and running Java programs: Basic structure of a Java program, compiling and executing code.
2. Basic Programming Concepts
Variables and Data Types: Understanding primitive data types (int, float, double, char, boolean) and object types (String, Arrays).
Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, and assignment operators.
Control Flow: Conditionals (if-else, switch) and loops (for, while, do-while).
Methods: Defining and calling methods, method parameters, return types, and method overloading.
3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Creating classes, objects, constructors, and the concept of “this” keyword.
Encapsulation: Using access modifiers (private, public, protected) and getters/setters.
Inheritance: Understanding parent-child relationships between classes (extends keyword), method overriding.
Polymorphism: Method overloading, method overriding, and dynamic method dispatch.
Abstraction: Abstract classes, interfaces, and their implementation.
Composition: Using objects as fields within other objects.
4. Core Java Libraries
String Handling: String manipulation, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer.
Collections Framework: Lists, Sets, Maps, and understanding generic types.
Exception Handling: Try-catch blocks, throwing exceptions, custom exceptions, and best practices.
Input and Output (I/O): Reading and writing files using streams, byte and character-based I/O.
5. Advanced Java Topics
Multithreading: Threads, synchronization, and concurrency issues.
Lambda Expressions and Streams (Java 8): Functional programming in Java, working with collections using streams and lambda expressions.
File Handling: Working with files, directories, file readers, and file writers.
Networking: Sockets, client-server communication, and basics of networking in Java.
GUI Development (Swing/JavaFX): Building simple graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Connecting to and interacting with databases using Java.
6. Design Patterns and Best Practices
Design Patterns: Introduction to common design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Observer, and MVC.
Code Refactoring: Improving the readability and maintainability of code.

Address: 2nd Floor, FIT Computer institute, Al-Mustafa Plaza, near Chandni Chowk, C Block Block C Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Punjab 46000

Phone: 0344 5701828

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