Aired (January 20, 2025): Kulot (Kokoy De Santos) rages in anger upon seeing Ssob (Dave Bornea) wearing his watch. Later, he and his group realize that the latter is involved in robbery at night as part of his covert alliance with Vergel (Ian Ignacio). #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso
For more Mga Batang Riles episodes, click the link below:
The newest BARKADAgulan series is here! Catch the latest episodes of 'Mga Batang Riles', airing Monday to Friday at 8 PM on GMA Primetime. It stars Miguel Tanfelix, Kokoy De Santos, Bruce Roeland, Raheel Bhyria, Antonio Vinzon, and Zephanie. Also in the cast are Diana Zubiri, Jay Manalo, Desiree Del Valle, Ms. Eva Darren, and Mr. Ronnie Ricketts. #MgaBatangRiles