Xcorps Action Sports TV #49.) ROAD TOUR-2 seg.3 HD - The cross country Xcorps journey continues from Boston to San Diego on the road with show host Jason Lazo crossing the Wyoming border stopping to have a beer at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole followed by a wild down slope mountain bike ride at the Idaho Grand Targhee Resort.
Sweet music video mix by Corey Crowder. Established as a National Park in 1929 The Grand Tetons lie due east of Driggs Idaho. Most people and photographic depictions know the Tetons from the east in Wyoming. Leave it to Xcorps to take the road less traveled!
The Idaho adventure continues in the next Xcorps episode with Jason hooking up with Killgore Adventures for some jet boating and camping on the Snake in Hells Canyon.
This aint no lilly show! 1-2010 J.S.Edmondson
TrT-29:30 ©2010 TheXcorps http://www.xcorpstv.com/