Komaram Puli is an upcoming Telugu action film directed by S. J. Suryaah, who previously directed Block busters Vaali and Kushi. The film stars Pawan Kalyan in the lead role as a cop, with Nikisha Patel, playing the lead female role as superintendent of police, Manoj Bajpai, Charan Raj, Nassar, Jyothi Krishna, Bhrahmaji, Ali and Girish Karnad in supporting roles and Shriya Saran appearing in an item number. The film, featuring music by Academy Award Winner A. R. Rahman, is produced by Singanamala Ramesh on a Rs. 42 crore budget and would be distributed by Allu Aravind of Geetha Arts. The film is slated for a release in August 15 th, 2010. Distributed by Tubemogul.