If you're looking to monetize a web site of any kind then you probably already know about the benefits of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. The problem is that Google continually updates their SEO algorithms (i.e. Universal, Caffeine, and Instant Search). The difference between these new Search algorithms and Google's older ones is enormous!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 2.0 or Google Universal Search SEO, includes virtually everything related to a search or query, including: Videos, Images, Advertising, Product Placement, News, Detailed Sitelinks, Maps and more. There is no real limit to the results a search engine such as Google can produce but the fact is that modern search engines no longer work on the old metrics. These days shoehorning keywords into meta tags and page titles in order to achieve ridiculously high keyword density (spamming) will actually hurt the search profile of a web site substantially.