SalmanKhan and Sonakshi Sinha starrer 'Dabangg' become a blockbuster hit that breaking the records of box office collections. Arbaaz and his Salman invited all their friends and colleagues. Dabang Salman success party was a grand party and who's who of film Bollywood industry was invited. According to the latest reports, the Bachchans, the Roshans, the Chopras, the Kapoors,Amir Khan, Ajay Devgn and Kajol, Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Saif ali khan Kareena kapoor, Sinha's are invited. Dabangg directed by Abhinav Kashyap and produced by Arbaaz Khan. The film marks the debut of Sonakshi as an actor Dabangg was released on 10 September 2010 across more than 1500 screens in India.