Largest study to date finds increased tumour risk for heavy mobile phone users but says 'biases and errors' make use of these findings impossible
Researchers have failed to find a conclusive link between mobile phone usage and increased brain tumour risk.
Although there is, as yet, no known biological mechanism by which mobile phones could cause cancer, an international study was set up in 2000 to look into the links.
The Interphone study, the largest of its kind, covered almost 13,000 people across 13 countries and compared frequency of exposure and mobile phone use of people with four types of brain tumours - tumours of the brain (glioma and meningioma) and of the acoustic nerve (schwannoma) and partotid gland - against healthy volunteers.
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According to the study there were 'suggestions' of an increased risk of glioma and meningioma in heavy phone users.