Antique Vs. Vintage Clothing - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. An antique item is anything that is over 100 years old. Today that would be anything that is Victorian or older; anything from the turn of the century or the early teens, actually. We are coming up to an era where anything that is twenties could be considered an antique. For an item to be considered vintage it has to be less than 100 years old, but older than ten years old. So now, today, anything from the nineties can be vintage, anything that was a grunge fashion is considered vintage, that is vintage items. And that is anything that is under 100 years old; anything from the thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties clothing is considered vintage. Eighties clothing is also considered vintage. Some good things about antique clothing are the fact that it is over 100 years old and it is a special piece of history that the wearer has and is going to be wearing. The bad thing about that antique item is that it will be delicate and it will be fragile. It will be hard to find and it will probably be expensive because it is an antique and it is an older item, harder to find and a lot more special than something that is 30 or 40 years old. Good things about vintage wear are the fact that no one else is going to be wearing what you have. Vintage clothing is so unique and so special, it is rare to find two women at a party that are wearing the same dress. It is a wonderful thing to put on a classic Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress and know that you are going to be the only woman in the room with that dress item. That is one of the special things about wearing vintage clothing; it is unique. And that is what style is all about. Style is a mood, it is an energy, and vintage clothing fits right into that energy. First of all, some bad things about the vintage clothing can be certain eras and certain colors. Certain eras can be prettier than other eras, but the beauty is all in the eye of the beholder because some people like things that are bigger and louder. The sixties and the seventies was a period where styles were louder and fashions were bolder so the items were brighter and that can be a bad thing about vintage clothing. Another bad thing about vintage clothing is the wear. Vintage clothing can be found easily, but many times and more than half the time that item can be in bad condition. That item can be damaged by the sun, by sweat, by stains, or it can be torn. That is the bad thing about vintage clothing.