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Judy GM is a new sophisticated and eye-catching bag in Monogram Multicolore canvas, back to the original spirit of the line. It offers a large capacity and can be both hand or shoulder carried.
- Monogram multicolore canvas, microfiber lining, trimmings in natural cowhide leather
- Golden brass pieces
- An easy closing system thanks to the magnetic top
- A "2 in 1" pocket (a pocket closed with a press button flap + an extra back pocket), and an additional phone pocket
- Hand carry or shoulder carry, with a removable strap
- Bottom studs to protect the bag and golden brass rivet detail
- Size: 17.3″ x 10.6″ x 7.3″ Inches
This Louis Vuitton Handbag comes with: Tag, Authentication Card, Certificate and a Dust-Bag.