It is a work that drew the appearance where the woman advances to the society in the 1960's. It is a person who rose above the times the levator of the roar evening who is the heroine of "Sugata Sanshiro".I think that it is a husband to whom Seiji Miyaguchi of "Seven samurais" washes wife's undergarment . it is terrible cast. Moreover, Billy Wilder's "Some Like It Hot" was mimicked, and the Yujiro skirt is worn.
The workers of this movie are wonderful.
監督 中平康 (Directed by Nakahira, Ko)
脚本 池田一朗 (Screenplay by Ikeda, Ichiro), 中平康(Nakahira, Ko)
石原裕次郎 (Ishihara, Yujiro)
芦川いづみ (Ashikawa, Izumi)
轟夕起子 (Todoroki, Yukiko)
宮口精二 (Miyaguchi, Seiji)
小沢昭一 (Ozawa, Shoichi)
吉永小百合 (Yoshinaga, Sayuri)
酒井和歌子 (Sakai, Wakako)
音楽 黛敏郎 (Music by Mayuzumi, Toshiro)