The sexy Bollywood star was the showstopper in a gorgeous jewelled bustier and an innovative panelled lehenga in bright carrot red, reminiscent of the Victorian and Mughal era. The designer couple's dazzling 'Phantom Couture' Collection was inspired by the Victorian era and the drama of Mughal times and the designers wove together glamour, grandeur and colour into their opera style ball gowns and ethnic wear. The Delhi duo were delighted with the warm response they received in Mumbai. The clothes will be available at their Colaba store. Said Mallika, "What I like about their fashion sensibility is that they are unafraid to experiment and be different. It's exciting to wear a bridal outfit with a twist of Victorian Era." For women and men who want to make a memorable entry down the bridal aisle 'The Phantom Couture' collection by Anjalee and Arjun Kapoor will be the perfect offering.For regular updates on the latest happenings in Bollywood kindly subscribe