Famous for her flamboyant stage outfits, Kylie Minogue dressed down a notch in her newly acquired academic robe.
The singer was made honorary Doctor of Health Sciences by an English university for her work in raising awareness for breastcancer.
Minogue, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2005 and has since undergone surgery and chemotherapy treatments, says her ordeal had its silver lining:
SOUNDBITE: Kylie Minogue saying, (English)
"It was a blessing and a curse, because the media wanted to have more information than they received, but I did feel a lot of love from the public and, you know, felt their ... Support from total strangers, which was a beautiful thing. I found that ... One example -- I was at a cafe and someone came and just gave me a flower, whereas normally, people would ask for a photograph or an autograph, or something for themselves, but I felt that people were being very generous with me at that time, so it was beautiful,"
The 43-year-old Australian pop princess who never went to university herself, was one of 12 people to receive honorary degrees from Anglia Ruskin University .
Mirja Mey, Reuters