, 1-877-546-4446
The Introduction to Embedded Linux online training course describes how to apply Linux, the free, open source operating system, to embedded computing devices. Topics include: a brief introduction to Linux and the open source philosophy, installing a cross-development environment, using the Eclipse IDE, running and debugging applications on an embedded target, configuring and building the Linux kernel, booting the target, and network applications.
This course is designed to run and all the exercises and results tested on Fedora 14.
Course Prerequisites:
Attendees should be very comfortable programming in C and have Linux fundamentals background equivalent to the GogoTraining Linux Essentials course.
As this is very much a hands-on class, you'll get more out of the class if you have the target hardware on which the examples are run. The Embedded Linux Learning Kit from Intellimetrix contains this needed hardware, and is offered at a reduced price to GogoTraining members who purchase the course. To order, click on the link in the Related Link section below.
Course Objectives:
As a result of taking this Introduction to Embedded Linux online training course, you will understand how to:
•Set up a cross development environment on a Linux workstation
•Create, build, and debug applications on a target board using the Eclipse IDE
•Write multi-threaded and networked applications
•Configure and build the Linux kernel
•Install and boot the application in product form, 1-877-546-4446