Is Islam a Religion of Peace? ( David's Opening Statement - 2 of 4 )

xicg_1 2011-12-13

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Does the Qur'an really teach terrorism? Does Islam demand the death of all "infidels"? Are terrorists following the example of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)? Is Islam a peaceful religion? Representing the Muslim perspective were Abdullah al Andalusi & Yahya Hayder Seymour Brother Abdullah al Andalusi: Brother Abdullah a public speaker and activist. He is a former Christian who embraced Islam at a young age, and has studied Islam in depth since he was 18. He also has an academic background in Computer Science. Abdullah has had a long experience in working for Islamic revival and the establishment of Islamic shariah in the Muslim world. Abduallah is a member of the Muslim Dawah Initiative its formed of members from the Muslim community with experience in public speaking, apologetics, polemics, research and community work. His activities involve speaking at community centres, universities, colleges and appearances on various TV programmes. He is experienced in debates with Atheists, Secularists and Christians, and has be involved in public and radio debates with Atheists and Christians. He has made hundreds of videos defending Islam on Youtube. He has debated Christians on Hyde Park Corner for the past 5 years. Representing the Christian side were David Wood & Nabeel Qureshi Mr. David Wood: David is a former atheist, he converted to Christianity after examining the evidence for Gods existence He is a Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, where he teaches Philosophical Ethics He holds degrees in Biology and Philosophy and is coauthor of the book Who Was Jesus? Who Was Muhammad? Two Debates He runs the website Nabeel Qureshi is a former Ahmadi (Qadyani) Christian Apologist. He is currently pursuing an MD at Eastern Virginia Medical School and has just finished the coursework for his MA in Christian Apologetics at Biola University in CA. The Topic of Debate: Is Christianity a Religion of Peace? Abdullah al Andalusi & Yahya Hayder Seymour vs. David Wood & Nabeel Qureshi (Abrar House, London, UK July 14th 2009) 

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