Does the Bible really teach terrorism? Is Christianity a violent religion? Did Jesus advocate violence in the Bible? Representing the Muslim perspective was Nadir Ahmed: Nadir is a Muslim apologist backed by the Islamic Center of Peoria, He has held debates with figures such as Matt Slick, David Wood, Dr. Richard Carrier and Dr. James White. He runs the website Representing the Christian side was Dr. Daniel Scot: Dr. Scot is an Australian Pastor and lecturer born in the Punjab province in central Pakistan. In 1987 He gained a position as lecturer in mathematics at the Queensland University of Technology, later joining the mathematics department at the University of Queensland. In 1994 Daniel Scot was ordained as a pastor in the Assemblies of God church and his ministry is based at Northside Christian Church in Everton Park, Brisbane. He began holding seminars on Islam, his specialist knowledge of Islam's holy books led to many invitations to address church meetings, Bible colleges and other groups. The Topic of Debate: Is Christianity a Religion of Peace? Nadir Ahmed vs. Pastor Daniel Scot (Eastside Christian Church, Fullerton, California USA 14th September 2008) For further information on upcoming or previous debates click here