10 Bizarre Traffic Laws Across the US - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
10 - in San Francisco, it is unlawful to wipe your car with used underwear.
9 - In New Jersey, it is illegal for you to pump your own gas.
8 - In Massachusetts, taxi drivers must not make love in front seats of their cars.
7 - You cannot drive your black car on Sundays in Denver, Colorado.
6 - In Alabama, you cannot drive barefoot.
5 - In Arcadia, California, you must give right of way to peacocks on roads and driveways.
4 - Women can't drive a car in Louisiana unless the husband is waving a flag in front of it.
3 - In Tennessee, it is illegal to drive while asleep.
2 - In San Francisco, your elephant must be on a leash on streets.
1 - It is illegal to run out of gas while driving in Youngstown, Ohio.