If you are being confronted with IRS Tax issues, the Law Office of Thomas W Lynch P.C. can help you.
These situations include those with circumstances where a “back log” of non-filed returns exists, large or overwhelming tax liabilities threaten a business or individual, audits or tax court issues threaten to turn a business or individual “upside down” if they are not handled properly, or worst of all, you are confronted with potential or actual criminal charges. In these situations it is best to work with experience tax professionals. This Firm has the ability to handle your tax issues.
If you are in Blue Island, IL area, our office is conveniently located in nearby Hickory Hills, IL just off interstate 294 at 95th street Exit 1, half a mile west. You can contact our office directly by calling (708) 598-5999 or by visiting our website at http://www.thomaswlynchpc.com.
The Law Office of Thomas W. Lynch, our business is helping you.