“World on Water” January 27, Week 4.12 Global Sailing News Report features stories on the shortened Race 7 finish to the 2011-12 Clipper Race in Bantam, Indonesia, the spectacular $1million dollar prize race for 75, 60 foot Arab dhows during the Abu Dhabi Sailing Festival in the UAE, the 2012 Royal Langkowi International Regatta in Malaysia, the IFDS Charlotte Harbour Regatta Florida, USA, US Video/Photographer Leighton O’Connor shoots the 2012 Quantum Key West Regatta from on-board the Big Booty in Florida, USA and in our action segment “Fresh to Frightening” we show how to get a light weight, 90 foot, canting keel, fully rigged yacht with a 39 metre mast under a 9 metre bridge. See it here and on www.boatson.tv approx 1200 GMT, 0700 EST.