Έτσι απλά _ Etsi apla (η Ελλάδα μου έσβησε...) - Just like that

Nico Christodoulou 2012-02-16

Views 53

«Ξέρω ότι όλα είναι προμελετημένα και τίποτα δεν έχει γίνει τυχαία! Όμως σας το λέω! ΔΕ ΘΑ ΣΑΣ ΠΕΡΑΣΕΙ» !

This song is dedicated to all the simple Greek citizens who are having a hard time these days just as I am. And I am not calling us "innocent Greek citizens" because each of us has a share of responsibility --smaller or larger -- for what is happening to us.
But I also want to say something to all the those politicians -- men and women, Greek and European -- who have gradually brought my country to this shameful and dreadful state by taking advantage of our indifference and often of our naivety:

"I know that everything is premeditated and that nothing has happened accidentally! But I am telling you this: YOU WILL NOT PREVAIL!!! "


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