Airing Date Feb.15, 2012
One station, WSPD in Toledo Ohio canceled Mark Levin yesterday and was replaced with Free Talk Live. Station director Brian Wilson sent a notice starting with:
"In response to Mark Levin's outrageous diatribes, mis and disinformation slanderously leveled at Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell (personal and professional friends of mine), I will be exploring other options effective immediately."
and ending with
"If Mark ever gets a grip on his rational self or develops the class and courtesy to appologize to the three gentleman mentioned above, I'll give him another listen."
Mark Levin himself provided a response, which included:
"I've asked my affiliate relations director to write you a cancellation notice given what you have written."
Of course that comment was made after they were already airing Free Talk Live to replace their show, which basically means Levin was saying, "You can't fire me! I quit!"