How to do taxes. Visit to learn more information about the tax services offered by Tax Professionals at MyTaxAuction
You might be wondering if we have an expedited service because the deadline to file taxes this year is April 17th. Actually, we are going to close the ability to start a new auction on March 23rd. And the reason that we're doing that is, taxes are important and taxes need to be done with quality. Instead of rushing, as a lot of people do, and getting them done at the very last minute, we're giving our tax professionals until about the 1st of April to get your return done and get it back to you, make sure everything is fine, that we have all the documents, and then get that return filed way before the deadline. That's why My Tax Auction is perfect for you. You don't have to worry about any of that time crunch. You can just give us the information; we take care of it for you, and then don't have to worry about it.
How to do taxes