Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Conduit 2 from High Voltage Software and SEGA for the Nintendo Wii. One of the only notable third party Wii releases of 2011, Conduit 2 is a sequel to the 2009 game The Conduit. Michael Ford is still on a chase for John Adams, a jerk who wants to use the power of alien race for his own nefarious purposes. It's again up to Ford to take Adams down in a story that never has much appeal. This is a shooter in an old-school vein, focusing more on giving players cool ways to shoot aliens than telling them cool stories about aliens. Conduit 2 is all about the gameplay. The levels are laid out like an action movie, stringing together enemy ambushes and gun fights with very brief cut scenes. Conduit 2 is a gorgeous shooter that doesn't spare targets or ammunition, but it furthers that action with an assembly of characters that are, unfortunately, far less enjoyable. This video review features video gameplay footage of Conduit 2 for the Nintendo Wii and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.
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