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With costs going higher, one area of concern for dollar store owners is how to maintain control of freight costs. Actions must be taken to maximize the impact of every dollar spent on hauling.
Here are 3 tactics to reduce freight costs for your business. .
1. Fill Pallets Right to the Trailer Roof
o Do not accept freight damage as the result of doing this. If done properly, damage should not occur.
o Create a backup list of lower cost impulse and hot-selling wholesale items they can add to fill pallets before shipping.
o Fill space you would have left empty with the in-demand, expensive-to-ship wholesale items you need such as paper products.
2. Negotiate Freight Costs
o Ask for help to cut freight costs. A flat fee or freight caps both help.
o Seek the services of a freight forwarder.
3. Plan Buying Ahead of Time
o Bigger loads usually mean lower freight. Plan ahead and carefully manage inventory to reduce small loads.
o Partner with other local businesses to ship orders together.
Freight cost cutting takes planning and careful management. However the savings can be big.