TOW: W3L6 -- 3740 ("So Close! (and yet so far)")

Muzozavr 2012-09-22

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This is me getting 3740 points on the "So Close! (and yet so far)" level in the original Wonderland game.

One of the reasons you had to wait so long for world 3. This really isn't fun.

Is there room for improvement? Most definitely. Look at how terribly I did Stinky's box part. Just look at that. That alone cost me like 5-7 seconds, if I'm correct. So why am I still satisfied with such an imperfect run?

Because the random nature of a certain coily makes getting a good score hellishly frustrating. I had so many attempts that failed simply because that one coily didn't want to play with me. Anyway, when I saw that coily on the left getting zapped with an electro, I knew it was *the* run, no matter what mistakes I did. Some decent coily luck in Stinky's portion, too.

This is the first level that I would actually like to redo someday, since I'm not proud of this run. Right now, though, this is as good as it gets.

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