Here's our Christmas present for you snowboarding fans !!!
Nils Arvidsson just got awarded Snowboarder of the year at the Transition Winter Awards held last week end in Sweden.
Rails, Park and Backcountry are Nisse's favorite playgrounds. Needless to say, he loves all kind of terrains and throw massive tricks with his own f.....n' incredible style.
He filmed for Standard Films and had a great part in their latest release 2112 as well as in Alive&Kickin', the last Rip Curl movie
He is one of the first rider to stomp a triple in a park, and he's really proud to have done that "without a helmet ,in a lay back style with sunglasses" as he mentioned.
Have a look at his part and let us know your thoughts !!
Last but not least, as a real punk ,he did not only dyed his hair in red ,cut his shirt sleeves ,but also picked a song from Rancid to showcase his talents !!!
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