"Sahara brings A New Beginning to the world...The album begins with the über-catchy “Right the Wrongs” (This reviewer’s children were singing the chorus for hours after hearing the song once). The title track perfectly embodies the positive vibe that the album puts out. “The Promise” is a beautiful instrumental played on whistle (or recorder) that could easily fit into a movie soundtrack during the scene when the protagonist arises victorious against all odds. “Renovating My Igloo” adds an interesting electronic/new age twist along with a delightful key change between verses. “Rainy Day at Shady Creek” sounds like a Celtic song that was dropped into a Spaghetti Western (talk about genre-bending)!…The musicianship is top notch and their voices mesh together well... This may not be the album for those who like their Irish/Celtic music more traditional. But for those who enjoy their Celtic music wrapped up in a perky, jazzy package, “A New Beginning” will do the trick." Review by Jason Hohl 67 Music
"Sweetness, pain, laughter: these are emotions that surround 'A New Beginning'” Baxter Labatos ‘The Celtic Music Fan’
“I have to say check this album out - it’s a stunner! It’s called ‘A New Beginning’”
Mark Williams ‘New Traditions’ The Bridge 102.5 UK
“They’ve got a fantastic album…great voices aren’t they…fantastic!”
‘The Irish Connection with John Lowry’ WFM UK
“Your music is beautiful”
Mae ‘Music Uncovered’ KLAV 1230 Las Vegas
Sahara 'A New Beginning' CD ia available from iTunes,Amazon and many more online stores. For more information please visit www.saharamusic.com.au