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When we talk about 'Candida', we are usually talking about Candida overgrowth (sometimes known as Candida Related Complex). This is a condition where a certain yeast (Candida Albicans) begins to grow exponentially and dominate the other microorganisms in your gut. This can cause a number of different symptoms including recurrent yeast infections, headaches, joint pain, fatigue and inability to focus. It can also lead to other health problems like food allergies and asthma.
Normally the Candida colonies are kept under control by your immune system. However, there are a total of 8 different risk factors that can change this delicate balance and allow the Candida colonies to expand. According to the Ultimate Candida Diet program, these risk factors include dietary choices, medication, lifestyle changes, your environment, and even your choice of contraceptive.
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candida overgrowth
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candida esophagitis
candida yeast
candida albicans symptoms
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candida albicans treatment