Where are you at
Are you practicing on
Someones dog or cat
Are you young children
To steal their childhoods away
Before you are caught
Then finally locked away
Are you stalking from behind
Staying back out of sight
Just to steal them away
And give loved ones a fright
Or are you hiding in plain sight
Maybe even next door
But soon you will get caught
That is for sure
Some like girls
While others like boys
Either way they do it
It's all for their sick joys
Some like certain hairs
Different seems to turn them on
Oh if you leave your children alone
You might soon find them gone
Some pedophiles are young
Others are very old
But, it's just a matter of time
Until their stories unfold
pedophile pedophile
With that sick twisted mind
There is no doubt
There are more than one kind
Some day soon your reign
Will soon come to and end
But, come judgement day
You shall pay for your sins
norman hale