The Heritage Festival occurs in our town each year
It attracts loads of people from far and near…
Campsites are set up with artifacts that are dated
Traditions of simpler pioneer times are recreated
Expectations for the day are great
The chance for sunshine is sixty-eight
Make a list of what we’d like to get
There is barely room to make it all fit
Park in the best spot… near the traffic flow
Walk across a bridge with rippling water below
Wearing some comfy shoes and a brimmed hat
Bringing a friend to carouse with and chat
Ready for a good time and all that it includes
Smells fill the air from just now cooked foods
Voices rise in song… with rhythms swaying
Various venders are hopefully displaying
Stepping on to the path of light-heartedness
Giggling girls survey as teenage boys assess
Nearby a clown greets small children with laughs
Booths are filled with unique art and crafts
Bright rainbow colors attract straight ahead
Garments dyed with a tied technique of threads
Bowls sold to feed the hungry are next on my mind
Donated by local potters…some of them are signed
On the way meeting people not seen for awhile
Stopping intent…renewing friendships with a smile
The hours of the day have been spent away
A cooling wind is sweeping clouds of gray
Returning to the car in an uplifted mood
Eating an elephant ear… a delightful food
It’s been fun doing things out of the ordinary
The break from chores at home was only temporary
Theresa Ann Moore