There may come a time
when no one is around
you may be feeling at your
lowest and feeling quite down
you might be thinking
man, where is the love?
where is someone
when I just need a hug?
During those times
when you're feeling real low
Believe that God Loves You
well how do I know?
God cannot Lie and
the Bible says so
So, keep your Hope alive
come on, hold up your chin
Jesus Christ Loves You
and wants to be your best friend
and there are others who love you
emotions can lie
share your feelings
with someone who is Godly Wise
Sometimes we focus
to much on what we see
but God has your back
His Love is the key
Remember in Christ
You Can Do All Things
Prayerfully reach out
to others and be friendly
and remember
God can use people
put your expectations
in Him
No one is Perfect
truly but Him
So, 'Believe that God Loves You'
and you're never alone
believe God' s Word
it will help make you strong
and reach out to others because
You belong
Scripture Verses:
For God So Loved the World that He gave His Only
Begotten Son that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life' John 3: 16
'A man that hath friends must show himself friendly:
and there is an friend who sticks closer than a brother'
Proverbs 18: 24
Debbie Bennett