God bless you Mummy dear on your birthday!
And may He grant you some more years on earth;
You did so well, better than most earthlings;
You were our one, most loving, caring mum!
You did your chores despite life’s short-comings;
You opened doors to every child in life;
You mothered us well, proved a goodly wife;
You were our one, most loving, caring mum!
You were so great, Mother of mine indeed;
You consoled us and caressed us in feed;
You taught us things which books and teachers can’t;
You were our one, most loving, caring mum!
May be, you felt you could have done better;
May be, you felt you were unkind at times;
May be, you thought you could have erred lesser;
You were our one, most loving, caring Mum!
And now old-aged, with wearied frame you stay;
You want to live and yet, it isn’t easy;
God grant you strength of body, mind and soul,
And pass your remnant days in divine role.
You need not fear as old-age brings its fears;
You don’t worry as your century nears;
You be happy with kith and kin and dears;
Our life’s carriage, God adeptly well steers!
So cheer up mum, God has a plan for you;
Your prayers have ensured your heaven’s seat;
Hence, keep your cool; rest God will surely do;
You life was one of SUCCESS, NOT defeat!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 10-21-2004
Dr John Celes