He dresses her in pastel satin
Hair trimmed with matching bows
And every time he looks at her
How his face with pride just glows
She is his little princess
To hold and love and dress
One more shining trophy
To make boast of his success
The chauffeur driven car
Is always at her beck and call
With servants ever present
To supply anything at all
Her manners are quite polished
With regularity they dine
At the most exclusive tables
While lesser folk wait in line
And Daddy nods and waves
At those who meet his favor
And encourages her to dispense
A sweet smile for them to savor
‘Well done’ he reassures his princess
As they pass the secure Manor gate
Then with gentle pat he sends her off
To pink-hued bedroom, there to wait
But no little princess ever
Should be required to re-ignite
The failing fires of her own father
When he seeks her out at night
Mary Havran