When I am dead
How do you plan to take me
to the ground floor
from the fourth floor.
Our lift can not carry
a man lying
Our stairs are also
very narrow.
How do you plan
to burry me
How do you take me
to the grave yard
from our parking plots.
We have no lawn or yard
to dress my coffin.
There will be no sunshine
may be some pigeons will be
here and there
with playing children
May be there wii be
some rain
Bins will be there
as usual.
You will bring a small truck
to reach me to grave yard
May be a pigeon will drop
some waste on my forehead.
Our kitchen and windows
will have last glance on me
I shall say
My wet shirts and trousers
on the rope
will raise hands
to say
Finally, you all will
' you came from clay
we return you to the clay'
Ershad Mazumder