Reportedly, Porsche launched Cayman GTS in India for a price of Rs 1.17 crore. Apparently, this sports family saloon from Stuttgart has arrived as the uprated version of the model plate. On the tweaked side, Cayman GTS is easily rectified by those blackened headlamps and tail lamps.
On the part of performance, it produces power of 335 horses which are sent to rear wheels. In comparison to the standard version, the powerful saloon is enhanced on suspension. Hence, for the given set of buyers, a torque vectoring system and differential lock were obvious. And for milking that raw power from the engine, a six-speed manual transmission is found on the list. So, with this much exclusivity in the drivetrain, the four-seater GTS manages to attain a fuel-efficiency of 12kmpl as per the European standards.
Must say, the powerful Cayman with a badge of GTS is a real hero, which can also thrill family of four on the racetrack in typical Porsche fashion!