Reportedly, Porsche launched Boxster GTS in India for a price of Rs 1.15 crore ex-Delhi. Apparently, this machine from Stuttgart has arrived in India as the uprated version of the model plate. On the tweaked side, Boxster GTS is easily rectified by those blackened headlamps and tail lamps.
In performance, Boxster GTS produces power of 325 horses which are sent to rear wheels. In comparison to the standard version, a GTS trim is enhanced on top-speed by 15kmph at 279kmph. Hence, for the given set of buyers, option of manual transmission on the list was a bit unobvious, but that raw power can be extracted only when they are handled manually. So, with this much exclusivity in the drivetrain, it still manages to attain a fuel-efficiency of 12kmpl as per the European standards.
Must say, Boxster is a real German hero with finesse that can also be driven on the daily roads!