Romela Begaj kampione Evrope- Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Romela Begaj është shpallur kampione e Evropës për femra ne peshën 58 kg stili i shkëputjes dhe nen kampione e kontinentit ne dy garesh ku vetëm pesha trupore me360 g me shume se Boyanka Kostova i ka mohuar asaj medaljen e arte. Ne kampionatin evropian te peshëngritjes qe po zhvillohet ne Antalia te Turqisë peshëngritësja e jashtëzakonshme për te cilën pritej një rezultat i tille ka pritur me qetësi garimin e te gjitha sportisteve te tjera ne stilin e shkëputjes duke ngritur me sukses tre prova ne rivalitetin me Bojanka Kostova. Fillimisht Begaj ka ngritur me lehtësi 93 kg, me pas 98 kg dhe ne provën e trete 102 kg , 4 kg me shume se vendi i dyte duke merituar medaljen e arte. Begaj e ka filluar mjaft mire edhe stilin e shtytjes duke ngritur me sukses ne provën e pare 113 kg. E ndërsa ka ngritur ne provën e dyte 116 kg peshëngritësja e talentuar shqiptare ka qene e pafat pasi gjithçka është anuluar nga komisioni teknik për faull. Tentative për te ngritur 118 kg ne provën e trete nuk ka rezultuar e suksesshme duke përfunduar ne vendin e 6-te ne stilin e shtytjes. Ne përfundim te dy gareshit Bojanka Kostova ashtu dhe Romela Begaj ngritën 215 kg ne total me azeren ne vend te pare me peshe trupore me te vogël. Triumfi i Begaj ne kualifikueset e evropianit te Turqisë ishte dhe një bilete për pjesëmarrjen e saj ne Lojërat Olimpike Londër 2012

Romela Begaj was declared champion of women in Europe for 58 kg weight and style of secession under champion of the continent where only two garesh me360 g body weight more than Boyanka Kostov has denied the gold medal. At the European Weightlifting Championships taking place in Antalya, Turkey outstanding weightlifter for which expected such a result has received calmly garimin of all other athletes in the style of detachment successfully raising three Bojanka evidence in rivalry with costs. Initially Begaj easily raised 93 kg, then 98 kg and 102 kg third test, 4 kg more than second place deserved gold medal. Begaj has started pretty well with the style and successfully raising drive in the first test of 113 kg. While raised in the second test 116 kg of talented Albanian weightlifter was unfortunate because everything is canceled out by the technical committee for the foul. Trying to set up 118 kg in the third test has not proved successful in the country finishing 6-of-driven style. At the end of two gareshit Bojanka Costs and Romela Begaj also raised a total of 215 kg azeren in first place with the small body weight. Triumph of the qualifiers Begaj Europeans to Turkey was a ticket for her participation in the 2012 London Olympics

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