Dhuna ndaj gazetarit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Unioni i gazetareve ka protestuar këtë te shtune, para drejtorisë se policisë se Tiranes, kundër dhunës fizike ndaj gazetarit Dashamir Biçaku.
Sipas kreut te këtij unioni, Aleksander Çipes, ngjarja e te premtes, duhet te zbardhet nga drejtësia. Vete gazetar Dashamir Bicaku rrëfeu ngjarjen e dhunës nga shoqëruesi i drejtorit te fabrikës se çimentos ne Fushe Kruje, kundër te cilit ka ngritur padi. Shoqëruesi i Carls Bourit ka kërcënuar gjithashtu edhe dy gazetare te tjerë, te cilët ndodheshin me kolegun Biçaku. Drejtori i fabrikës ishte marre ne pyetje ne lidhje me vrasjen e punonjësit te tij palestinez, pak jave me pare ne Tirane, përmes një antentati mafioz me bombe.

Union of Journalists has protested this Saturday, before the Police Directorate of Tirana, physical violence against journalists Dashamir Biçaku.
Under the heading of this union, Alexander lining, the Friday event, must be transcribed from the judiciary. Dashamir journalist confessed himself Bicaku event of violence by an affiliate of the cement factory director in Fushe Kruje, against whom charges. Charles Bourit companion has also threatened two other journalists, who were Biçaku colleague. The factory director was questioned about the murder of his Palestinian employees, a few weeks ago in Tirana, through mob antentati bomb.

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