Pranga vrasësit te fëmijës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ka përfunduar ne prangat e policisë se Lezhës autori i dyte i ngjarjes se rende te ndodhur ne Mamurras pak kohe me pare, ku mbeti i vdekur një fëmijë 9-vjeçar dhe u plagos rende xhaxhai i tij. Altin Shkreta është arrestuar pas një operacioni blic te uniformave blu te cilat kishin sinjale se ai po udhëtonte me makine drejt Lezhës. Arrestimi erdhi pak kohe pas prangosjes se vëllait te tij Alban Shkreta, edhe ai i dyshuar për krimin e rende. Te dy vëllezërit akuzohen se ne datën 5 qershor kane qëlluar me automatik mbi një makine ku udhëtonte Muharrem Llani dhe nipi i tij se bashku me nënën. Shënjestra e atentatit ka qene shoferi i makinës, por fatkeqësisht plumbat i morën jetën fëmijës qe ndodhej ne sediljen e pare te automjetit. Dy vëllezërit Shkreta tashme te prangosur kane pranuar se motivi i krimit ishte hakmarrja ndaj Muharrem Llanit, pas një konflikti për çështje biznesi.

Ended in handcuffs to the police that the second author Lezha severe event occurring in Mamurras little while ago, where he remained dead a 9-year-old child and seriously wounded his uncle. Altin Shkreta was arrested after an operation to flash blue uniforms which had hinted that he was traveling by car to Le. The arrest came shortly after handcuffing his brother Alban wilderness, he also suspected of serious crime. The two brothers accused in the June 5, have been shot with automatic on a car traveling Llani Muharram and his nephew along with her mother. Target of assassination has been the driver of the car, but unfortunately took the lives of children bullets that was in front of the vehicle first. Two brothers handcuffed Shkreta have already accepted that the motive was revenge against crime Llani Muharram, after a conflict on business issues.

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